update: saw the comeback show..they’ve won me over, the song is energetic and fierce live
update 2: sat down after the show and listened to this part by part (repeated each part). It’s..actually very well put together. It encompasses a lot of different genre’s that soshi has tried to tackle over the years with some having more precedence over others, a lot of the things that Soshi do best are nestled in here. The thing is that I feel the thing that has improved 10,000 fold is their choreography and dance. Not to say that they were weak before..But they hit with so much precision now, hip-hop really does bring some much needed elements to a strong dancer.
Original thought: I’m not sure…it sounds like they crammed 6 songs into one. There are some parts that are really good. and there are some parts I want to cut out. Costumes are great, choreography is really good.