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9 Angels Promote The Olympics On ‘High Cut’~

Magazine ShiDae continues!
As you all know, the Olympics will be held in London, UK this year (yay!) meaning no doubt SoShiLand will attend! But wait! That means SNSD will have to cheer then on! That’s right. Although its not directly cheering them on, our members have definitely got the Olympic spirit as they are promoted to ‘Olympic Girls’ of Korea’ on ‘High Cut’ magazine. In their own fantasy world of being athletes, here they are dressed in fashionable sport clothes (and stewardess clothes) where they show off their amazing beauty.
Also… is that Red, Blue and white I see on your stewardess clothes?? And the UK flag I spot on that backpack?? THEY FINALLY PROMOTE UK!!!!
(P.S, although i love our SoShi members and despite they are wearing very fashionable clothes…i just wanna say, we Englishmen dont actually wear that during sports lmaooooooo! that tennis bat, high socks, checkered shirts etc is more of a…80′s sports fashion! dont be mislead by our SoShi!)

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